Figure 3. Circular neighbor-joining tree showing results of genetic barcode analysis on 110 flea beetles collected on Passiflora at La Selva. The groupings indicate the presence of at least 9 species with branch bootstrap support values of 99.5% or greater. These are, clockwise, beginning at the center gap: Red Pedilia, M. violacia, Yellow-tibia Parchicola, Black-tibia Parchicola, "H03-H06-A04", Parchicola DF2, Red Ptocadica, Pt. bifasciata, and Yellow Ptocadica. M. chontalensis and D. quinquelineata were not included in the analysis. Group A04-H06-H03 is an unidentified flea beetle, not a Passiflora feeder, that superficially resembles Pt. bifasciata. Four individuals of Parchicola DF2 included more variation than the remaining nine, and it may be interesting to further analyze this species.. Click on graph to enlarge.